
  • 미국 워싱턴 대학 (University of Washington, Seattle) 정치학 박사
  • 서울대학교 환경대학원 환경계획학과 석사
  • 연세대학교 정치외교학과 학사


2023. 9 - 2026. 8 Yonsei Underwood Distinguished Professor
2023. 4 - 2028. 12 Climate adaptation living lab R&D, Leader
2021. 3 - 2023. 2 정치외교학과 학과장
2019. 12 - 2022. 8 ㈜ 우주청: 우리들의 주민청원 Our Local Petition 대표이사
2019. 9 Yonsei Underwood Distinguished Professor
2019. 5 National Commission on Climate and Air Pollution, International Cooperation Research Fellow
2018. 2 Yonsei Excellent Research Award
2018. 6 Chair, BK+ Political Science Graduate Program
2018. 3 Head, Political Science Graduate Program
2016. 3 연세대학교 사회과학대학 부학장
2016. 2 연세대학교 우수업적 교수상 (연구부문)
2015. 9 연세대학교정치외교학과부교수
2015. 2 연세대학교우수업적교수상 (연구부문)
2015. 3 연세대학교우수강의교수상
2013. 9 - 연세대학교정치외교학과조교수
2013. 2 - Global Environmental Politics, Editorial Board
2010. 8 - 2013. 8 홍콩시티대학 (City University of Hong Kong) 조교수


[ Books ]
  • 이태동. 2023. Civic Politics and NGO. 서울: 박영사.
  • 이태동 편저. 2023. 기후변화의 정치경제 Political Economy of Climate Change. 서울: 박영사.
  • 이태동 편저. 2023. 정치외교학과 미래진로 Future Careers in Political Science & International Studies. 서울: 연세대학교 출판문화원.
  • 이태동. 2023. 기후변화와 도시: 감축과 적응. Climate Change and Cities: Mitigation and Adaptation. 서울: 명인문화사.
  • 이태동. 에너지 전환의 정치 Politics of Energy Transition. 서울: 사회평론아카데미.
  • Taedong Lee. eds. 2019. Climate Change and World Politics: Seoul: Social Academy
  • Taedong Lee (ed.). 2019. Environment & Energy Living Lab. Seoul: Yonsei University Press
  • Taedong Lee, Paik and Choi. (eds.). 2019. Career Development in Political Science . Seoul: Yonsei University Press
  • Taedong Lee (ed). 2018. Politics that We Make: Actions for Neighborhood Democracy. Seoul: Chungsong Media (Yonsei University Press)
  • Taedong Lee (ed). 2017. Village Community Politics. Seoul: Purungil
  • Taedong Lee. 2017. Environment and energy politics. Seoul: Chungsong Media
  • Lee, Taedong.2015. Global Cities and Climate Change: The Translocal Relations of Environmental Governance. New York: Routledge.
[ Journal Articles ]
  • Hyun Jung Park, Yun Hee Lee, Taedong Lee. In Print. Imagining Carbon Neutral Futures: Comprehensive Narratives through Citizen Participation. Futures.
  • Sohyeon Ryu & Taedong Lee. In Print. Effects of Foreign Finance Measures on the Decoupling of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Economic Development: A panel study of 97 developing countries over the period 2000–2018. Climate & Development.
  • 정연경, 성정희, 최지은, 이태동. 2023. 국가지속가능발전위원회의 변천 과정 고찰: 역사적 신제도주의 통합적 관점 적용 National Sustainable Development Committee. 환경정책 31 (4): 1-30
  • Taedong Lee. Wooyeal Paik, Sangyoung Lim, Sang Yup Lee. 2023. Online Citizen Petitions to COVID-19 in South Korean Cities: A Big Data Analysis. The Annals of Regional Science. 71: 205-224.
  • Han, Heejin & Taedong Lee. 2023. Varieties of Green Stimulus Policies: Comparative Analysis of the Green Growth and Green New Deal policies in South Korea. Journal of Environment and Development. 32 (1): 61-82.
  • Inhwan Ko and Taedong Lee. 2022. Carbon Pricing and Decoupling between Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Economic Growth: A Panel Study of 29 European Countries, 1996-2014. Review of Policy Research. 39 (5): 654-673.
  • Taedong Lee, Sohyeon Ryu, Minjung Kim. 2022. Public deliberation on nuclear power plant construction: The impact of values, processes, and personal attributes. Journal of Cleaner Production 355 131794. 1-11.
  • 성정희, 최지은, 김해동, 권순환, 이희섭, 이태동. 2022. 해외 지속가능발전 거버넌스 비교 연구: 한국 K-SDGs 발전 방안. Sustainable Development Goals Governance. 사회과학논집 53 (2): 1-21.
  • 권순환, 이태동. 2022. 정당일체감이 원자력에너지 안정성과 확대 인식에 미치는 영향 Party Identification and Perception on Nuclear Energy Safty and Expansion. 한국정치연구.
  • 이태동. 2022. 기후변화와 국제정치 Climate Change and International Politics: 경제, 안보, 개발, 행위자 연구 어젠다. 국제정치논총. 62(1): 271-303.
  • Kyungho Song, Hyun Kim, Jisoo Cha and Lee, Taedong.. 2021. Matching and Mismatching of Green Jobs: A Big Data Analysis of Job Recruiting and Searching. Sustainability 13(7), 4074;
  • Hyuk Yang, Taedong Lee, Sirkku Juhola. 2021. The Old and the Climate Change Adaptation: Climate Justice, Risks, and Urban Adaptation Plan. Sustainable Cities and Society. 67. 102755
  • Sangbum Shin and Taedong Lee. 2021. Credible Empowerment and Deliberative Participation: A Comparative Study of Two Nuclear Energy Policy Deliberation Cases in Korea. Review of Policy Research. 38 (1): 97-112
  • Taedong Lee. 2021. From Nuclear Energy Developmental State to Energy Transition in South Korea: The role of the political epistemic community. Environmental Policy & Governance. 31 (2): 82-93.
  • Taedong Lee and Yousun Chung. 2021. Special Issue on "Comparative Politics of Nuclear Energy in East Asia: Interactions between Traditional and New Actors" Guest Editors for Environmental Policy & Governance. 31 (2): 79-81.
  • Arran Hurley and Taedong Lee. In Print. Delayed ratification in environmental regimes: Indonesia’s ratification of the ASEAN Agreement on Transboundary Haze Pollution. The Pacific Review.
  • Lee, Taedong. In Print. Financial investment for the development of renewable energy capacity. Energy & Environment.
  • Lee, Taedong, Hyuk Yang, Anders Blok. 2020. Does mitigation shape adaptation? The urban climate mitigation-adaptation nexus. Climate Policy 20(3): 341-353.
  • Lee, Taedong, Paik, W. 2020. Asymmetric Barriers in Atmospheric Politics of Transboundary Air Pollution:A Case of Particulate Matter (PM) Cooperation between China and South Korea. International Environmental Agreement: Politics, Law and Economics. 20: 123-140.
  • Lee, Taedong, Mark B. Glick, Jae-Hyup Lee. 2020. Island Energy Transition: Assessing Hawaii’s Multi-Level, Policy-Driven Approach. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews. 118: 1-10.
  • 이태동, 이희섭, 권순환, 김명성. 2020. 지역 기후변화 적응 인식 조사 연구. Survey Measurement of Perception on Local Climate Change Adaptation. 지역과 정치 3 (2) 39-81.
  • 이태동, 류소현, 정혜윤, 김한샘, 고인환, 박재영. 2020. 지방자치단체의 기후변화 적응을 위한 제도적 역량의 측정과 유형화. Measurement and Categorization of Institutional Capacity for Local Climate Adaptation. 사회과학논집 51 (2): 95-119.
  • Taedong Lee, Whi Chang, Youcheer Kim, Hyo Won Lee, Jong-Yun Bae. 2020. Do Debates Enhance Critical Thinking and Argumentation in Political Science Education? 정치학 토론 수업과 비판적 사고의 상관성에 대한 실험 연구. 동서연구 32 (3): 159-184.
  • Taedong Lee and Arran Hurley. 2020. Solution-Seeking Learning: Why, What, and How do Students Learn? 사회과학연구 Journal of Social Science 46 (2): 27-52.
  • 이태동⋅차재권. 2020. 4차 산업혁명 시대 주민자치 유형과 활성화 방안 연구. 글로벌정치연구 Journal of Global Politics 13 (1) 119-145.
  • 이태동, 류소현, 박재영. 2019. 리빙랩을 활용한 환경 에너지 정치 교육. Living Lab for Environmental and Energy Politics Education. 사회과학논집 50 (2). 1-19.
  • Taedong Lee, Jungbae An, Hyodong Sohn, In Tae Yoo. 2019. An Experiment of Community-Based Learning Effects on Civic Participation. Journal of Political Science Education 15 (4): 443-458.
  • 이태동. 정혜윤. 2019. 한중 대기 환경협력의 정치: 미세먼지와 기후변화 비교연구. Politics of Environmental Cooperation between Korea and China: Comparative Studies of Climate Change and Particulate Matters 국제지역연구 23 (2): 61-86.
  • 노관령, 이태동. 2019. 국제규범의 국내입법 과정에서의 NGO의 영향력: 한국의 단일 난민법 제정사례를 중심으로. Influence of NGOs on Domestic Legislation of International norms: The Case of South Korea's single Refugee Law Enactment. 사회과학연구. 45 (1): 75-99.
  • Jaewan Kim, Tae Yong Jung, Taedong Lee, Dong Kun Lee. 2019. 서울지역 미세먼지 문제 개선을 위한 사회문화적 지불의사액 추정 Analysis on socio-cultural aspect of willingness to pay for air quality (PM10, PM2.5) improvement in Seoul. 환경영향평가 28 (2)
  • Lee, Taedong & Jeroen van der Heijden. 2019. Does the knowledge economy advance the green economy? An evaluation of green jobs in the 100 largest metropolitan regions in the U.S. Energy & Environment. 30(1): 141-155.
  • Lee, Taedong. 2019. Network Comparison of Socialization, Learning, and Collaboration in the C40 Cities Climate Group. Journal of Environmental Policy and Planning. 21 (1): 104-115.
  • Hwang, Sejeong, Taedong Lee. 2018. The Influence of NGO’s Information Politics on Business: The Case of Cool IT Campaign. Journal of East and West Studies 30 (4): 127-156.
  • 이태동, 김한샘, 고인한, 2018. 동네 민주주의 개념과 적용 연구 Neighborhood Democracy: Its Concept and Application. 한국정치연구 27 (2): 143-171.
  • Lee, Taedong. 2018. Local Energy Agencies and Cities’ Participation in a Translocal Climate Governance. Environmental Policy and Governance. 28 (3): 131-140.
  • Lee, Taedong and Jung, Hayoon. 2018. Mapping City-to-City Networks for Climate Change Action: Geographic Bases, Link Modalities, Functions, and Activity. Journal of Cleaner Production. 182: 96-104.
  • Taedong Lee. 2017. Are Smart Cities Sustainable? Toward the integration of Sustainable and Smart City. Journal of Environmental Policy and Administration 환경정책 25: 129-151.
  • Sohn, Hyodong and Taedong Lee. 2017. Institutions for European Energy Cooperation: Dyadic Data Analysis of Electricity Network Interconnections. Korean Journal of International Studies 15 (3), 327-354.
  • Paul Harris and Taedong Lee. 2017. Compliance with Climate Change Agreements: The Constraints of Consumption. International Environmental Agreement. 17 (6): 779-794.
  • Taedong Lee. 2017. The Effect of Clean Energy Regulations and Incentives on Green Jobs: Panel Analysis of United States, 1998-2007. Natural Resource Forum, A United Nations Sustainable Development Journal. 41 (3): 131-144.
  • Taedong Lee. 2016. Aims, Pedagogies, Facilitating Structure for Community-based Civil Political Education: A Case of Community Village Politics (Maulhakgaeron). IKPS. 25 (2): 119-143.
  • Jae-Hyup Lee, Taedong Lee. 2016. Renewable Energy Transformation Law and Policy of the State of Hawaii. KELA. 38 (1): 239-277.
  • Jiyoon Kang . Taedong Lee. 2016. The Role of Intermediary Supporting Organization in Energy Regime Change: Comparative Case Studies of Energy Self-sufficient Islands in Korea. KASER. 26 (1): 141-179
  • Taedong Lee and Taehwa Lee. 2016. Evolutionary Urban Climate Resilience: An Assessment of Seoul’s Policies. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 8 (5): 597-612.
  • Taedong Lee and Sara Hughes. In Print. Perceptions of Urban Climate Hazards and Their Effects on Adaptation Agendas. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change.
  • Lee, Taedong and Koski, Chris. 2015. “Multilevel Governance and Urban Climate Change Mitigation.” Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy 33:1501-1517.
  • Lee, Taedong and Painter, Martin. 2015. “Comprehensive Local Climate Policy: The Role of Urban Governance.” Urban Climate 14: 566-577.
  • Lee, Taedong and Kim, Hyunjung. 2015. “Barriers of Voyaging the Northern Sea Route” Marine Policy 62: 264-270.
  • Ha, Soojin and Lee, Taedong. 2015. “Assessing the Effectiveness of Marine Environmental Regimes in East Asia.” 사회과학연구논총 Ewha Journal of Social Science. 31 (1): 5-39.
  • Brad Epperly and Taedong Lee. 2015. Corruption and NGO Sustainability: A Panel Study of Post-communist States. Voluntas 26: 171-197.
  • Taehwa Lee, Taedong Lee, Yujin Lee. 2014. "An Experiment for Urban Energy Autonomy in Seoul: The One Less Nuclear Power Plant Policy" Energy Policy 74: 311-318.
  • Taedong Lee and Chris Koski. 2014. Mitigating Global Warming in Global Cities: Comparing Participation and Climate Change Policies of C40 Cities. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis. 16 (5): 475-492.
  • Lee, Taedong. Koski, Chris and Lee, Taedong. 2014. “Policy by Doing: Formulation and Adoption of Policy through Government Leadership.” Policy Studies Journal 42 (1): 30-54.
  • Lee, Taedong and Bai, Byuong-Inn. 2013. “Network Analysis of Free Trade Agreements: Homophily and Transtivity,” The Korean Journal of International Studies 11 (2): 263-293.
  • Lee, Taedong and van de Meene, Susan. 2013. "Comparative Studies of Urban Climate Co-benefits in Asian Cities," Journal of Cleaner Production 58: 15-24.
  • Lee, Taedong. 2013. “Global Cities and Transnational Climate Change Networks.” Global Environmental Politics. 13 (1): 109-128.
  • Lee, Taedong and Koski, Chris. 2012. “Building Green: Local Political Leadership Addressing Climate Change.” Review of Policy Research 29 (5): 605-624.
  • Lee, Taedong and van de Meene, Susan. 2012. “Who Teaches and Who Learns? Policy Learning through C40 Cities Climate Network.” Policy Sciences 45 (3): 199-220.
  • Lee, Taedong, Johnson, Erica, and Prakash, Aseem. 2012. “Media Independence and Trust in NGOs: The Case of Post-Communist Eurasia.” Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 41 (1):8-35.
  • Lee, Taedong. 2011. “Why do cities participate in global climate networks?” p. 252, in Rosenzweig, Cynthia, William D. Solecki, Stephen A. Hammer, Shagun Mehrotra (eds.) 2011. Climate Change and Cities. Cambridge University Press.
  • Lee, Taedong. 2010. “The Rise of International Nongovernmental Organizations: A Top-down or Bottom-up Explanation?” Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 21 (3): 393-416.



학부 환경-에너지정치
대학원 시민사회와 NGO정치학: 이론과실천
행정대학원 환경에너지 문제와 동아시아


학부 Global Politics of Environment
대학원 국제환경-에너지정치: 이론과실천
대학원 정치학과 진로개발


학부 마을학개론
대학원 시민사회와 NGO정치학: 이론과실천
행정대학원 환경에너지 문제와 동아시아


학부 환경-에너지정치
대학원 국제환경-에너지정치: 이론과실천
행정대학원 정치학과 진로개발


학부 Global Politics of Environment
학부 마을학개론
대학원 시민사회와 NGO정치학: 이론과실천
행정대학원 환경에너지 문제와 동아시아