Northwestern University, Ph.D. in Political Science
노스웨스턴 대학 "University Scholar"
Yonsei University, Political Science
Yonsei University, B.A. in Political Science
The Department of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University, Professor
Social Science Korea(SSK) Project, National Research Foundation of Korea, Director
Institute of State Governance Studies (ISGS), Director
Information Society Center, Institute of East and West Studies(IEWS), Yonsei University, Director
Center for Digital Social Science(CDSS), Director
Harvard Weatherhead Center, Harvard University, Visiting Scholar, Yonam Fellow
Political Economy of Information and Communication Technology
Politics of Information Society/e-Government
International and Comparative Political Economy
International Organization and Global Governance, Governance in the Information Age
행정자치부 정책자문위원회 위원 (2014.12 – 현재)
한국산업기술연구원 비상임이사 (2016.01 - 현재)
미래창조과학부 인터넷주소정책 심의위원회 위원 (2011.11 - 2016.11)
행정자치부 공적심사위원회 민간위원 (2015.08 - 현재)
여성가족부 정책자문위원회 위원 (2012.06 – 2016.08)
지역난방공사 비상임이사 (2013.11 - 2015.11)
행정자치부 정부조직혁신단 위원 (2015.02 - 2015.08)
기획재정부 복권위원회 민간위원 (2009.04 - 2014.03)
대한지적공사 비상임이사 (2011.05 - 2013.05)
행정안전부 정책자문위원회 위원 (2008.07 - 2013.02)
행정안전부 정보공개위원회 민간위원 (2008.10 – 2012.11)
(사)대학산업기술지원단 부단장 (2008.10 – 2010.10)
중앙인사위원회 자체평가위원회 위원(2006.08 - 2008.02)
정부산하기관 공동 경영평가단 위원 (2007)
정보통신부 자체평가위원 (2006 - 2007)
NIA 정보문화정책 전문위원회 위원 (2010.2.24.)
행정자치부 주민등록 심의위원회 위원 (2007 - 현재)
OECD Asia Center for Public Governance 연구위원(2005 - 현재)
연세대학교 여자동창회 이사 (2008.03 - 현재)
APT(Asia-Pacific Telecommunity) on Broadband and ICT Development 장관급
회의 사전회의 한국정부대표 (2004)
정보사회의 로드맵 작성을 위한 UNESCAP 회의(Expert Group Meeting on Regional Roadmap towards Information Society) 한국대표 (2003)
교육과학기술부 2010 ‘대한민국 인재상’ 중앙심사위원회 위원 (2010.9.3)
교육과학기술부 2009 ‘대한민국 인재상’ 중앙심사위원회 위원 (2009.10.8)
제4회 대한민국 인터넷 대상 심사위원 (2009)
정보통신정책연구원 과제자문위원 (2008.07 - 10)
한국정보사회진흥원 국가정보화백서 집필위원 (2007 - 2008)
연세대학교 동서문제연구원 상임연구원 (2006)
영등포구 의정비 심의위원회 위원 (2006)
삼성경제연구소(SERI) 디지털 사회 연구위원 (2005-6)
한국인터넷정보진흥원(NIDA) 인터넷거버넌스 연구위원 (2005)
세계여성학대회(Women’s Worlds 2005) 여학사협의회 대표 발표 (2005)
한국국제정치학회 이사 (2015.02 - 현재)
한국정치학회 특임 및 연구이사, 이사 (2007 - 현재)
한국행정학회 이사 (2007 - 현재)
정보사회학회 대외협력 및 섭외이사 (2006 - 현재)
동아시아 국제정치학회 부회장 (2015.02 - 2015.12)
입법과 정책 편집위원 (2012.01. - 2018.02)
Internet and Information Security 편집위원 (2010 - 2013)
사이버커뮤니케이션학회 편집위원 (2010 - 2015)
한국세계지역학회 출판이사 (2011.01-2011.12)
한국국제정치학회 출판이사 (2010-2011)
한국아메리카학회 연구이사 (2009)
한국국제정치학회 연구간사 (2005)
International Studies Association 회원
정당학회, 미국정치연구회, 거버넌스연구회 회원
“Institutional and technological determinants of civil e-Participation: Solo or duet?”, Government Information Quarterly 32:4(2015): 488-495. (1stauthor)
“Political Dynamics of Revising the Internet-related Election Law”, Korean Party Studies Review 14:2(2015): 141-166. (1stauthor)
“The Politics of Japan’s Nuclear Governance”, The 21stCenturyPoliticalScienceReview. 25:2(2015): 193-220. (1stauthor)
“Big Data Policy and the New Technology Governance”, Public Policy Review 29:2(2015): 1-21. (1stauthor)
“Big Data Analysis on Media Partisanship and Reunification Discourse in South Korean Society”, East and West Studies 27:2(2015): 403-431. (1stauthor)
“Socioeconomic Contexts of Government Expenditure Across OECD Countries: A Complementary Perspective From Trust and State-Business Relations”, Administration & Society 47:2(2015): 122–150. (corresponding author)
“Hegemonic Disputes and the Limits of the ASEAN Regional Forum”, PACIFIC FOCUS 29:2(2014): 237-259 (1stauthor)
“Ideas, Networks, and Policy Change: Explaining Strategic Privatization in Korea”, KOREA OBSERVER 45:2(2014): 179-210 (1stauthor)
“A Study on Opinion Mining of Newspaper Texts based on Topic Modeling”, Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science 47:4(2013): 315-334 (Co-author)
“A Study on Flaming Phenomena in Social Network: Content Analysis of Major Issues in Seoul Mayor Reelection in 2011”, Information Policy 20:2(2013): 73-90(1stauthor)
“The Political Dynamics and the Role of Ideas in KORUS FTA Decision-Making in Korea”, Korean Political Science Review, 47:2(Summer 2013): 235-255(1stauthor)
“Linking domestic decision-making and international bargaining results: beef and automobile negotiations between South Korea and the United States”, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 13:1(2013): 65-93(corresponding author)
“Digital Risk Society and Digital Detox Movement”, Internet and Information Security 3:4(2012): 3-20(1stauthor)
“The Political Economy of Portal News,” Civil Society and NGO 10:2(2012): 149-190(Co-author)
“A Comparative Study on News Service Models through Internet Portals: Softening News and Setting Agenda,” Informatization Policy 19:3(2012): 19-35(1stauthor)
“Political Communication and Civic Participation through Blogs and Twitter,” Journal of Cyber-communication Academic Society, 29:2(2012): 95-130(1stauthor)
“An International Comparative Study on the Architecture of the Internet Culture Formation: Focusing on Korea, United States, and Japan,” Korea Journal of Information Society, 22(2012): 83-111(1stauthor)
“American Hegemony and Political Dynamics of Financial Cooperation in East Asia,” Journal of International Area Studies, 16:1(2012): 3-28(1stauthor)
“Power Shift and Politics in the Social Network Era: Research Trends and Agenda,” Journal of Korea Political Science Society, 19:3(2012): 23-48
“Politics of Collective Intelligence-Paradigm Shift of Knowledge and its Possibility on Democracy,” Informatization Policy, 17:4(2010): 61-79 (Co-author)
“Evaluation on the Decision Making Governance of Internet Regulation Policies,” Korean Public Policy Studies, 19:3(2010): 57-78 (Co-author)
“The Structure of Political Dynamics of Regulating "Yellow Sand" in Northeast Asia”, Asian Perspective, 33:1(2009): 41-72. (Co-author)
“The Transformation of Cyberactivism and Democratic Governance in Korea: The Role of Technology, Civil Society, and Institutions”, Korea Observer, 40:2(2009): 337-368
“Structural Change of Global Knowledge Order and Digital Political Economy in East Asia: The Formation of Idea, Institutions, and Interest.” Korean Political Science Review, 42:2(Summer 2008): 389-409
“Internet Network and Political Participation of the Online Generation.” The 21st Century Political Science Review, 18:3(Dec. 2008): 85-102
“Political Science in the Information Age: Research Trends and Challenges of Information Politics.” Informatization Policy, 15:4(Winter 2008): 140-154
“Liberalization as a Development Strategy: Network Governance in the Korean Mobile Telecom Market”, Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration, and Institutions, 20:4(October 2007): 633-654
“The Internalization of Global Governance: Changes of Global Internet Governance”, The Korea Journal of International Studies, 47:2(2007): 7-28
“Governance in the Information Age: A Comparative Analysis of e-governance in major Asian countries”, Korean Observer, 38:1(2007): 127-161
“Global Political Economy of Technology Standardization: Transformation of International Regime and Telecom Market” Telecommunications Policy, 31(2007): 124-136
“Cyber Activism of Minority Group: Cyber Political Participation of Homosexuality Group” Korean Journal of Legislative Studies, 11:2(2005): 121-146
“Global Governance of the Cyberspace: U.S.-EU conflict on transborder transaction of personal information in the cyberspace” The Korea Journal of International Studies, 46:1(2006): 165-187
“The Successful Application of Electronic Democracy” KALI (May 2006), pp.28-35.
“The Global Internet Governance and the East Asian Response” New ASIA (Spring 2006): 190-213
“Challenges for Governance: Protests from civil society on privacy protection of e-Government in Korea.” International Review of Administrative Sciences, 71:1(March 2005): 151-166
“Private Information and State Power in an Information Society.” Korean Political Science Review, 39:2(Summer 2005): 445-464
“Softpower and South Korean Strategy for its Successful Knowledge Production in IT,” Peace Forum, 21: 2(Summer 2005)
“Civil Participation in the Policy-Making Process through Internet: The Policy Making Process of Single-Issue Network Movements,” Korean Public Administration Review, 38:3(2004): 197-214
“From Monopoly to Governance: Causes and Characteristics of Korean Telecom Market Liberalization,” Korean Political Science Review, 37:4(Winter 2003): 439-460
“Political Economy of IMT-2000 Technology Standard Disputes,” The Korean Journal of International Relations, 43:1(2003): 69-90
“Political Economy of International Cooperation: Korea-U.S. Telecommunications Negotiations in 1989-1992 and 1996-1997,” The Korean Journal of International Relations, 44:1(2004): 71-94
“US Telecom Market Liberalization and Its Impact on Korea,” Korea Observer, 34:4(Winter 2003): 707-730
“Competition Policy under the Formation of the WTO Regime: the transformation of the state in the Korean Telecommunications Market,” 21stCenturyPoliticalScienceReview,13:2(2003): 265-286
“Governance of the Information Age: E-government and Privacy,” Informatization Policy, 11:1(Spring 2004): 36-50
"Theoretical Review of Globalization Thesis: Capital Mobility and the State," Global Economic Review, 33:1(2004): 1-19
“Information Society and Digital Power,” Book Review Paper on “Digital Power,” Book Review and Culture, 54(Summer 2004)
“The Rise of Smart Mobs and Online Political Participation of the Citizens,” Local Community, 50(Summer 2005): 44-52
“Politics in the Digital Era: Studies and Tasks of Information Politics”, A Seminar on The path of Social Science in the Digital era. (2006. 9. 28)
“Democratic Governance in the Information Age and Cyberactivism in Korea”, International Conference on the Media and Democracy in the Knowledge Society (2006. 9.27-9.29)
“Initiatives and Challenges of Government Reforms in Asian Countries: Lessons & Prospects”, First Anniversary Seminar: OECD Asian Centre For Public Governance. Wednesday, 19 July 2006, Grand Hilton Hotel, Seoul. Selected Invitees for Discussion.
“Cyber Activism in Korea and the Possibility of Korean Democratic Governance” paper presented at 20thIPSAWorldCongress(July9-13,2006)
“Administering Global Governance: toward Global e-Governance," (IASIA Working Group Meeting on Administering Global Governance, Brussels, (November 24-25, 2004)
“Challenges for E-governance and Participatory Democracy: Protests from the Civil Society on Privacy Protection of e-Government in Korea,” Paper presented at International Congress(IIAS, International Institute of Administrative Sciences), in Seoul, Korea, ( 12-18 July, 2004)
“Korea’s Initiatives on Broadband and ICT Development,” Paper presented as a Korea Representative at the APT(Asia-Pacific Telecommunity) Ministerial Conference on Broadband and ICT Development (29-31 March, 2004)
“IT Revolution and e-Privacy,” Article presented at the Forum of Korea Institute for Future Strategies (2004.1) (
“Challenges for E-governance: protests from the civil society on privacy protection of e-Government in Korea,” Paper presented at 26th International Congress of Administrative Sciences (14-18 July, 2004), in Seoul, KOREA
“Personal Information Protection Policy and Democracy,” Paper presented at the Committee on Government Innovation and Decentralization, Conference Paper (2004.4.21), pp.101-104
“Korea-U.S. Telecommunications Negotiations in 1989-1991 and 1996-1997,” Paper presented at the annual meeting of Korean Political Science Association (2003.12.3)
“Globalization and Korean Model: Competition Policy as an Industrial Policy in the Korean Telecommunications Market,” paper presented at the autumn meeting of The Korean Association of International Studies (2003.9.23)
“Politics of Governance in the Korean Telecommunications Market,” presented at Politics and Information Systems: Technologies and Applications (PISTA ’03). July 31, August 1-2, 2003(
“Bridging International Digital Divide: Korean Telecommunications Policy and International Digital Divide,” Paper presented as a Korea Representative at the Expert Group Meeting on Regional Roadmap towards Information Society In Asia and the Pacific hosted by UNESCAP (United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific) (13-15 August, 2003)
“Governance of the Information Age- E-government and Privacy Issues,” Paper presented at the Committee on Government Innovation and Decentralization, Conference Paper (2003.7.25)
“The Evolution of Mobile Communications in Korea: Regulations, Technology, and Markets,” paper presented at the Monthly Meeting of Governance Studies (2003. 03.26)
“Technological Standard Competition in the International Telecom Market: From de jure Standard to de facto Standard,” paper presented in the Meeting of Telecommunications Forum (2003. 6)
The Fourth Industrial Revolution From Social Scientist’s Perspective Seoul: Hanul 2018
Seeing the New Trends in Korean Politics through Big Data Tokyo: Hakuto Shobo 2017 [in Japanese]
Seeing the New Trends in Korean Politics through Big Data Seoul: Hanul 2016
Decoding the Culture in the Cyberspace Seoul: Hanul, 2015 (Editor)
Future Party Politics Seoul: Hanul, 2015 (Editor)
“International Politics of Cyber Security and Future Strategy” Future Strategy of Korea Seoul: Ingansarang
Building Telecom Markets: Evolution of Governance in Korean Mobile Telecommunications Industry UK: Springer 2013
Social Network and Elections Seoul: Hanul, 2013 (Editor)
“SNS and the change in party-politics.” Korean Society for Journalism and Communication Studies, Political Communication and SNS Seoul: Nanam, 2012
Human Security in the Information Era Seoul: Jipmoondang, 2012
Social Network Politics Seoul: Hanul, 2012 (Editor)
Political Economy of Collective Intelligence Seoul: Hanul, 2011 (Editor)
Digital Governance-the Future of State, Market, and Society, 2010, BK World.
“IT and Governance: e-Governance in Major Asian Countries.” Seoul: OECD Asian Center, Comparative studies for better governance in Asian studies for better governance in Asian Countries(2007)
“Administering Global Governance: toward Global e-Governance," Geraldine Fraser-Moleketi and Dimitry Argyriades, eds. 2005. The World We Could Win: Administering Global Governance. Amsterdam: IOS
“IT and Democracy”, Democratization and civil society of East-Asia: Cases of Japan, Taiwan and Korea, Ch. 10(2007.3)
Building e-Governance: Issues and Strategies, National Computerization Agency (in Korean)(2004.12)
Review on Education Program for IT Humanpower in the Public Sector, Issues for the Informatization Policy(in Korean) 04-policy-01 (2004.6)
Governance of the Information Society- Informatization Policy and Privacy Issues, Issue on Information and Communication Policy at NCA 03-17 (2003.06.19)
Personal Information in Cyberspace: Issues and Cases of International Conflict. Issues for the Informatization Policy(in Korean) 04-policy-09 (2004.06)
E-Privacy in the Public Sector: Issues and Recommendations for the Improvement. Issues for the Informatization Policy(in Korean) 03-policy-07 (2003.12)
Policy Issues for Improving the Role of CIOs in the Public Sector, Issues for the Informatization Policy(in Korean) 03-policy-08 (2003.12)
Commendation from the Ministry of the Interior(2015)
Winner of the National Academy of Sciences(Republic of Korea)’s 2013 NAS Award for the best book on Social Science
Winner of the National Academy of Sciences(Republic of Korea)’s 2012 NAS Award for the best book on Social Science
Winner of the Yon-Jeong Academic Award of Yonsei Political Science Academic Association(2008)
Winner of LG Yonam Research Grant of LG Yonam Foundation(2012-2013)
Yonsei University Excellent Achievement Professor Award(Research Section, 2007)
Yonsei University Excellent Achievement Professor Award(Research Section, 2006)
Appointed as a Northwestern University Scholar(2000-2002)
Awarded University Scholarship from Northwestern University, 1997-2002
Awarded scholarship from the Korean-American Scholarship Foundation in 1997
Awarded the Excellent Thesis Award from the Ministry of Education in 1988
Awarded the Yonsei Students’ Academic Scholarship in 1986
1) Undergraduate
International Political Economy in East Asia
Social Network Politics
International Political Economy
Globalization and Global Governance
2) Graduate
International Political Economy
Case Studies of International Political Economy in East Asia